3月21日(火)普廻1周年茶会を開催させていただきます。 お早めにご予約ください。
上田宗宙 / 茶と場 普廻 / 宇宙アフターヌーンティー
13:00~ 14:30~ 満席
料金 5000円
上田宗宙 / 茶と場 普廻 / 宇宙精進 茶懐石
料金 8,000円
●御氏名 (複数名参加される方全員分のお名前。) ●コース名とご希望のお時間 ●電話番号 ●メールアドレス
Announcement for Universal Tea Gathering
3/21(Tuesday)We will be cereblating one year anniversarry of FUNE
Please reserve here or by the direct message.
Looking forward to seeing you.
◯Afternoon Tea
Souchu Ueda / Tea and space Fune / Afternoon tea sets
13:00~ 14:30~ fully booked
Price 5000yen
◯Course meal with wine paring and tea ceremony
17:00~ few seats left
Price 8000yen
Each chapter can only take 8 seats, it is getting full capacity, please reserve soon if you are interested.
●Name (If more than one person, please let us know all the names) ●course and time ●phone number ●email address
Please let us know if you have questions
場所 普廻 普廻 Ethical lifestyle https://www.fune.hinode-products.jp/ 〒604-0882 京都市中京区福屋町717-1 075-746-2067 717-1 Fukuyacho Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu 604-0882 Japan
上田 宗宙 氏
Souch aspires to make her way of tea to inspire playful and free spirit of the audience, experiencing an extraordinary dimension of reality. It is not in a way that is pre-established, it is usually prepared as a stage for beauty of unexpected harmony to happen.
She has lived and traveled around the world, working on multiple mediums. Has collaborated with other artists, shared her way of tea with many people in a museums, events, in the nature and on the streets around the world. Lately based in Kyoto and teaches the original style of tea classes in both Japanese and English languages.
普{あまねく}廻{めぐる} すみずみまで行き渡り、めぐる。 自然界に存在するすべてを分け隔てなく大切にすることをめぐらたいという思いから 普廻 fune と名付けました。 また「普廻」に「向」という文字をつけると「普廻向」というお経の名称になります。 このお経は、色々なお経の最後に付けることで、前者のお経の意味をより広く拡散する、強める意味合いがあり、 全ての生き物に等しく分つことを意味します。
GO around
Go around and around every corner. I named it Fune because I want to cherish everything that exists in the natural world without discrimination. Also, if you add the character "mukau 向" to "fune 普廻", the name of the sutra will be "fuekou". By putting this sutra at the end of various sutras, it has the meaning of spreading and strengthening the meaning of the former sutra. It means equal to all.